Machine for rectification and squaring of billiard table

This is the unique machine in the world capable to make billiard table a perfect rectangle. Thanks to electronic systems, we can get a perfect playing surface. Designed by MBM Billiardi engineers, the only company in the world able to carry out such work, this machinery brings together the core of the billiard table, the slate and the frame, making two fundamental operations, transforming a simple wood board into a high precision billiard. The first operation is the rectification and perfection of the slate in order to avoid any friction of the ball. The second operation is the squaring of the billiard table obtained using a diamond tip that rotates around its perimeter and that simultaneously mills slate and frame, reaching perfection.

Pantograph machine

This machine checks, one by one, all the components of the billiard table and rejects those that are not ok. This system is guaranteed by a complex mechanism of aspiration and seals that lets pass only those elements that are good according to the standard process and rejects not suitable components. The machine is able to check with high precision the over three meters long pieces.